3/10/23 Just Today, Nothing Fancy

            Hello. So I’ve been playing Wild Hearts and I like it a lot, possibly more than Monster Hunter but I wonder how long it can last, like if there was a sequel for instance because all the armor in the game is based on old Japanese fashion to some extent so what could they do for a sequel? The only thing I can think of is they go to different lands, different cultures, kind of like Assassin’s Creed but I feel like that could get old. I find the Japanese samurai thing is already been overdone these last few years with Ghosts of Tsushima, Sekiro, even Monster Hunter Rise and Assassin’s Creed is finally going to Japan in the near future, something I think they should’ve done along time ago, but I just feel like it’s kind of oversaturated. Just like the Viking theme a few years ago. You had Hellblade, then God of War then, again, Assassin’s Creed and a plethora of indie games in that vein. Like, spread this stuff out a bit.

            There’s a lot of things I like in Wild Hearts. The character customization is great, almost overwhelming. There’s so many hair options, it’s great. I was originally going to make a male character this time because the armor of the game didn’t really look that exciting so I didn’t really think I’d care much about my character but once I got to the hair I was like “holy crap, lookit all the things I can do!” Another great thing is, once you unlock the kakuruki, you can change your appearance and name whenever the FUCK you like. I like and hate the weapons of the game. I like that they’re unique and slightly goofy but I get so mad with them sometimes too. I’ve only played with three or so but every time I FINALLY build my weapon meter up the monster leaves the area. So maddening. I’m just so tired of the Monster Hunter weapons. I’ve been playing them for a long time and it makes sense that the weapons aren’t going to change that much for game to game, it’s still the same weapon with the same basic moves but again, they’re just kind of boring. They’re pretty much JUST a sword, JUST a bow, sure you’ve got a few weirdos like the insect glaive, gunlance and charge blade but I like that in Wild Hearts the normal ass katana turns into a chain sword. I like Monster Hunter for it’s, usually, crazy and unique armors and weapon designs. Seltas hammer, Tetsucabara great sword, low/high rank Teteradon armor, they have some good shit, then they have some rather generic, same-y looking armor and World weapons. Even though there aren’t a lot of armors, so far that I’ve come across, in Wild Hearts and that they look “normal” it makes sense for the game. I like these traditional looking outfits for this alternate Japan. All that being said, the game can be very frustrating. Sometimes my fights seem to be mostly me trying to heal. Heal, get hit while trying to heal, try healing again, get hit cause I can’t dodge or nothing while in healing animation. It makes me feel like just quitting and playing Nintendo games for the rest of my life.

            Speaking of, something I’ve been sitting on is finishing Pokemon Scarlet. I just can’t get into it. I like it enough, I like the Pokemon of the game, I like the characters of the game but I just don’t have the drive to go out and explore. Ever since Platinum’s battle frontier and the lack of anything remotely similar since has kind of turned me off from the franchise as a whole. I would get these games thinking “I wonder what is at the end of the game once I finish the main story” and there’s just nothing. I’ve complained about this before but I was so upset that in the remakes for Diamond/Pearl they didn’t put in the battle frontier because they felt “not enough players would utilize it.” (Apparently from some research another reason they didn’t put it in was because the battle frontier was only in Platinum and they wanted to “stay as true to the originals as possible.) Shut up. God damn, so frustrating, like what do you want me to do after I finish the game? Tell me, I’m asking. Complete the Pokedex? I don’t want to. I like legendary hunting but that’s about it. Play against people online? I don’t want to do that either. Shiny hunt? What for? Looking at a Reddit thread I’m not the only one who feels this way, which is nice to know I’m not alone. One person wrote “The Battle Frontier is literally the only thing that kept me pumping dozens of hundreds of hours into Emerald/Platinum/HGSS. Team and strategy building was/is incredibly fun. What am I supposed to do in the post game? Catch all the Pokemon? Lol then what? Completing a Pokedex, living or not, is not hard or all that fun. It's tedious and does not take that much time. Is a Battle Frontier really too much to ask for?” I loaded up Platinum to see if I happened to be anywhere near the battle frontier but no, I restarted the game at some point. But yeah like, I’d rather have a game like Battle Revolution then a main stream Pokemon game at this point. The only thing is that I do like getting the legendaries but that means I actually have to play through the game and I haven’t gotten the weird like, end end game Pokemon they’ve released through events that I just miss. Like Zeraora and Zarude, I don’t have them so my legendary list is incomplete so I don’t even want to bother getting the other ones. *sigh* I don’t know, maybe I’ll force myself to play through Scarlet to get the legendaries and keep an eye out for the ones I’m missing.

            So, what do you think? How you liking Wild Hearts? What about Pokemon? Any thoughts on that? What's your favorite thing to do post game? Let me know and I'll bore you with some more random shit in the future, bye bye!



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