Currently At The Moment


Hello! I’ve been wanting to write up a thing about Warhammer 40k but just haven’t felt like it. I’ve been sort of busy playing old games and now Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are out so I thought I’d just let you know what I’ve been up to recently because I know how much you care about things like that.

            About a month ago I got in contact with a guy who is now working on a Feral Predator mod for God of War for me/everyone. I was hoping the mod would be done around now with the release of Ragnarok and Prey coming to blu ray. Prey, according to the internet, was supposed to come out on DVD/blu ray this week but it didn’t and it doesn’t seem to be in the near future as far as I can tell which is a bummer for me. I mean I can still watch it on Hulu but I’d rather just watch a disc. But the guy made a cool trailer for the mod and he said he’s “finalizing it” so hopefully it’s done soon.

            But with that not done yet and me not wanting to jump back into God of War until it’s done I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with other games. I’ve been watching someone on YouTube play through God of War 3, because I never did, to kind of catch up on the lore or if there’s anything really important I’ve missed, I don’t think there is, but watching that made me want to play something similar so I started playing the first Darksiders again and my god the “Warmastered” version is a damn good looking video game. Like it LOOKS like a video game you know? I haven’t beaten the game since I’ve had it so I’m hoping to get around to it.

            BUT also, watching the Predator mod trailer made me want to watch the mod of Kratos fighting Master Chief which is cool as hell and then I saw another mod of Doom Guy fighting Master Chief which is even cooler, if that’s even possible, and made me decide to give Doom Eternal another go. Some time ago I was trying to play the DLC for Eternal and I hadn’t played the base game in a long while so I didn’t remember what to do against all the different demons, even turning the difficulty down didn’t help. I was hoping turning it down would make it more like Doom 2016 and I could just plow through the demons doing whatever I wanted but no. That’s another thing to; Eternal has ruined 2016 for me. I decided to go play 2016 when I was too frustrated with Eternal and it’s so friggin slow it’s unreal. So I ended up going to YouTube and found a nice video about how to deal with every demon so at least now the game is slightly enjoyable.

            So there’s that and Pokemon Scarlet came in today which is nice. It’s nice when games come in on the release day unlike Amazon who doesn’t understand how their own two day shipping is supposed to work. But I’ve only played and hour and a half, maybe two hours but I’m already impressed. My expectations were low but I’m really surprised. First of you characters mom is way too hot, like it’s too early in the game and there’s already a hot NPC. Secondly there are so many character creator options right off the bat! I couldn’t believe it. Thirdly there were so many Pokemon just going from my house to the first PokeCenter area thing! Being disappointed with the variety of ‘mons in Arceus I’m already impressed with S/V, I can only assume it will continue. Fourthly, the box art Pokemon isn’t a complete piece of shit like I thought it’d be, I’m okay with it at the moment. And fifthly, there’s a uniform for each season. Does this mean you can have four different outfit loadouts? I don’t know yet but I like that I can dress for the weather, more or less. So aside from things popping in and out, shadows changing/time of day changing maybe(?) and the game kind of chocking on it’s own blood I’m pleasantly surprised at the current moment.

            Other than that I’ve been waiting for something to come out to play on my Steam Deck. I more or less have been waiting for some 2D type games for it specifically. There are some out that are on my wishlist but I’m waiting to see how the prices look during Steam’s holiday sale and others won’t be out till next year. Silksong being the one I’m looking forward to the most but there’s also Cookie Cutter, Pepper Grinder, The Last Faith and The Knight Witch looks intriguing and out soon also.

            So that’s what I’ve been up to. What about you? Ever get so frustrated with a game you’ve sworn it off forever? Playing the new God of War? Plan on getting Scarlet and/or Violet? What are you looking forward to in the near future? Let me know below and I’ll be back soonish blabbing about things I’m not qualified to talk about in 40k. Bye bye!



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