My Ideal Pokemon Game


          Helloooo. I made a post about how I would’ve gone about making Ghost Recon Breakpoint so I thought I’d try to make a post about my ideal Pokemon game. A lot of the things I’m going to bring up is all crap I’ve said in other posts but similar to the Ghost Recon post I just wanted to have one definitive post with all my thoughts and ideas in one place, hopefully.

            So, as I’ve said before, two of my favorite things in Pokemon games are exploring and tracking down legendary/mythical Pokemon, the two typically go hand in hand. In Legends: Arceus I enjoyed exploring the land with my Pokemon and being able to use them to break rocks and ride on their backs over water. I liked looking for the legendaries with clues and with some prior knowledge of Diamond/Pearl and I would just like more of it. I’d like it if there was an option, similar to Breakpoint of all things, where you turn off the markers on the map that tell you where to go but instead had directions or even vague clues to follow. Throughout Arceus there are drawings on cave walls of different legendary Pokemon together. Someone on YouTube has a video of possible translations for them that make about as much sense as anything else so that’s cool but I was hoping there’d be a request to look into them and that they lead you somewhere or something. I like exploring the games and doing the various HM puzzles to get to new places but the main games have been getting more linear and have less puzzles over the years. I want to explore, find little hide-a-ways and be surprised and excited about finding something. In Arceus there are lots of quests that are basically “go to the point and you’ll watch a short cutscene,” one of which was seeing if Clefairy’s really do dance during a full moon. I was kind of hoping to have to search around the area they told me to go and see if I could sneak up on a group of Clefairy dancing around but it was just go to this patch of grass and a cutscene will play. I guess I kind of want to feel like I’m actually documenting Pokemon’s behaviors, kind of like the trailers for Arceus. I am glad we’ve gotten away from HMs as a whole though, I went on to Pokemon Y for this post and found that I’ve got two HM whores that I don’t really like or want with me but they’re necessary. I like in Arceus being able to throw a Pokemon that should be able to break up a rock pile at a bunch of rocks and they’ll headbutt them away or when I go into the water I get a Pokemon to surf on, reminded me of ReCore in a way. In ReCore there were certain obstacles that only one of your robots could do something with and you could only have two at a time so if you didn’t have the right one for a certain spot you’d have to come back later with the right robot. I’d just like it if I could assign which Pokemon I’d be surfing on if I didn’t have any Pokemon in my party that could actually “surf,” it’d just be nice to have something that I actually caught and not just something that was given to me.

            Another thing Arceus did well enough was the whole stealth/action with crafting bullshit. Typically I don’t like it because the developers kind of make everything shit but Game Freak did a decent job and I’d just like to see more of it. In Arceus if your Pokemon got poisoned or burned during a battle they were cured of whatever ailment they had, kind of lame to me. I wanted it to be a bit more like the old games. In Red/Blue if your Pokemon was poisoned, after battle they would slowly lose HP every two or three steps until they would faint. Again, the main games have gotten away from this which is fine I guess but in a game like Arceus I was hoping it would make a comeback. I kind of want to collect a whole bunch of berries and other plants so I can take care of my Pokemon in the wild. I want to be a walking Pokemon Center and not go back to camp every few minutes to heal my Pokemon just because I can and it’s free and easy.

            My ideal game would have a tad more variety of Pokemon also. Arceus was rather limited which can be understandable but when I was playing it I thought “I’d like a dragon on my team” so I was looking online for dragon types in the game and there’s literally two aside from the legendaries. Volo already had a Garchomp so I didn’t really want to copy him and the only other one was Goodra and well… yeah. When I was in Y I was in some cave and running into Pokemon I haven’t seen in a while like Pupitar, Sandslash and Durant, it was nice seeing something different, seeing things I’ve kind of forgot about. I saw somewhere that Scarlet/Violet are going to have “less than half” of the Pokemon roster and it’s like there’s almost 1,000 Pokemon, shut up. The first game had 151, the second had 251 I think, 500ish Pokemon is more than enough.

            I’ve mentioned this many times but I’d like to have multiple Pokemon battle at once in certain areas. In normal battles I understand the 1v1 aspect, people in Hisui don’t quite play fair, but when I’m fighting a legendary or mythic Pokemon I would like to use more than one Pokemon at a time. For the most part I focus on purely attack moves for my Pokemon and having to do a traditional JRPG battle would force me to grab some of the stat boosting moves or healing moves. I liked the raid battles in Sword and Shield but it’d be cool if I could do it with my own team also, I’d like both options. I liked some of the legendary fights in Arceus, they were different. Darkrai would teleport around and I ended up getting him in a spot where he would teleport between two spots over and over (dunno if this is for everyone or it just happened to me) and he would telegraph where he was going to appear so I would run to what I hoped would be behind him and when he’d appear I’d throw an ultraball at him. I would already be running to the spot he showed up last time so when he broke out of the ball I was already waiting for him. But these are suppose to be super powerful, ancient Pokemon so I’d like to have a battle with them that felt just as epic as the Pokemon itself is supposed to be and not just throw a quickball at them and call it a day.

            My last bit I’m going to continue to harp on is character customization. Lots of games have it but then lock you out of making changes or they let you make some changes but not all changes and it’s like “why?” If you’re going to let me change 85% of the things, go for the full 100. Saw this picture on twitter and thought it was perfect. Let me change everything about my character whenever I feel like it. I don’t remember what game it was now but years ago I was looking up if I could change my gender in the game and someone commented “I think the constant sex change would confuse your character.” IT’S A FUCKING VIDEO GAME YOU FREAK, THERE’S NOTHING FOR MY CHARACTER TO BE CONFUSED ABOUT. Same thing happened recently with Cyberpunk 2077, I had got mantis blades or something and was just wondering if I could unequip them because I wanted to punch people and people online were like “wElL yOu CuT yOuR aRmS oFf So YoU cAn’T.” Like why are people this fucking weird? I don’t understand how I’m supposed to experiment with options to see what I like if I legitimately can’t revert back or make changes. Monster Hunter Rise is a good example too. Character voice; you can’t change it once you make your character. Why? You have a few options to hear your character make grunts and stuff but it’s still different in the main game, what happens if I don’t like it or if I change from Japanese to English and it doesn’t sound right? Why can’t I change it? It’s dumb. The other thing is clothing options. Since X and Y the clothing hasn’t been great. The whole point of me going on Y was to get a picture of my character but apparently at some point I started a new game. This isn’t how my original character looked but it’s close. 

Lookit those boots! I love them, I don’t know why but I just do! (It’s things like this that also make me question the Scarlet/Violet main characters, X/Y character looks like they’re old enough to handle themselves, S/V, not so much.) X/Y had better hair options as well, the games since have been disappointing and even more so for male characters. Most of the reason why I pick female characters in games with customization is because they have better options then male characters for clothing, just like in real life, so I like to dress up my character and make them cute. Maybe the reason is because X/Y took place in Pokemon’s France and since France and Paris are suppose to be trendy and have good fashion sense that’s why the games since haven’t been as good? Scarlet/Violet seems to be getting better options from what I’ve seen but we’ll have to wait til next month to find out. One thing I’d like is to have different options for different weather conditions. In Arceus you go to all sorts of different climates and you don’t have to change your clothes but it’s kind of silly to go to the snowy mountains in shorts. I’d like there to be slots and options for rain conditions and the like. For instance during a rainstorm you character could pull out a raincoat or an umbrella.

            That’s that I suppose. TL;DR Things like Legends: Arceus but even more, more exploration, cool legendary/mythic encounters, more survival/gathering, more varying Pokemon per Pokemon types, JRPG fights with three or four of your team, good character customization that I can change whenever I feel like it and optional weather gear for various weather conditions.

            Overall I’m not exactly excited for Scarlet/Violet but I am interested to see how they turn out. What are your thoughts? What would you have in your ideal Pokemon game? Let me know down below and I’ll catch you all later, bye bye!

            OH! The only thing I really want out of a mainline Pokemon game is a fucking end game like the Battle Frontier of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum! Fucking give me something to do once I finish the game that I can keep coming back to!!!



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