Watch Order


           Hello! I’ve been sitting on this topic for a while, just never got around to bringing it up. I wanted to talk about or maybe even ask about the watch order of certain movies, animes, franchises, ect.

            My first time watching The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi online, it was in the order that it aired on television. For those that don’t know, Haruhi aired out of sequence or like, not in a chronological sort of order. I remember the episode where Haruhi signed the group up to play baseball and Mikuru was in a nurse’s outfit. Up to that point she had always been in a maids outfit and no one said anything! I was so confused, I figured Kyon, at least, would question it but no, not one bit. An episode or two later Haruhi asks Kyon what he’d like to see Mikuru wear next and one of her suggestions was a nurse’s outfit. I really enjoyed how they were able to make the show work with both ways; out of order like this and chronologically but my issue is that no DVD/Blu ray set, to my knowledge, has an option or whatever to watch the show as it originally aired. I’m very fond of the way things were done originally, purposefully. The director or team or who ever clearly wanted their product to be viewed a certain way and I like respecting that in a way. So at the end of the episodes on the DVDs Yuki’s voice comes over saying what the next episode is and to “watch it” but in the extras they have the original end with Haruhi and Kyon saying what the next episode is, Haruhi saying the episode that should be next, chronologically, and Kyon telling us the episode that is airing next. (Persoanlly I think it should’ve been the other way around, that way Haruhi would “get her way” like she usually does and have the episodes out of order for no good reason other than she wanted it that way.) So I sat down one afternoon and wrote down the episode list of what Kyon said to get the actual aired list so next time I rewatch it I might decide to watch it that way.

            The first Fast and Furious movie I sat down and watched start to finish was 7. It was kind of an interesting place to start but if you don’t start with the first movie I really think it’s the next best one to start with. At the start of the movie Dom tells Letty that they “invented [race wars].” Okay. First time viewer, doesn’t really matter. Later there’s some scenes from Tokyo and some guy dying in an explosion. Oookay? Dom goes to Tokyo, whatever, movie, movie, movie, the rest is pretty self explanatory. Months later a guy I work with is telling me something about Tokyo Drift so I decide I’ll give it a watch. Then I start seeing the scenes in the movie that were in 7, I was a little confused. So I’m thinking to myself “okay so this is taking place at the same time as 7? Guess I just need to watch the rest.” Watch 1 and 2, still confused, nothing is tying in except that in the first movie the group goes to the race wars place, that apparently Dom and Letty (probably the others too) “invented.” I thought that was cool but anyway, finally by Fast Five things are coming together for me. What I like with the people who work on Fast and Furious do is they don’t recast people. They’ll write them out or they’ll come back in a later movie and it’s like “oh my god, it’s them!” Something interesting, to me anyway, is even though Tokyo Drift was older and everyone in the movie had flip phones, at the time 7 came out flip phones were still a normal thing in Japan. Well, I mean I can’t say for sure because I’m not researching this stuff or looking anything up it’s just what I remember. I don’t think Japan really embraced the smart phone until rather recently. So people will say it’s inconsistent or it dated itself but I don’t think that’s quite the case. I just watched Tokyo Drift last night actually and there was a line towards the end from Twink “DK chose this road for a reason. It’s his mountain.” DK’s Mountain. I couldn’t help but laugh.

            Another thing people watch in different orders is the MCU movies. I like to watch them in the order they were made, personally. My niece likes to watch them in a chronological order so Captain Marvel would come before Iron Man. The thing with the MCU is that there’s so fucking much of it now between the movies, and Disney+, and Netflix, and Hulu which shouldn’t be mentioned, plus others I’m sure I forgot. Agents of Shield. It’s a lot.

            Umm what else? I’ve been watching through Black Lagoon, because it’s great, but while watching it in Japanese, as I usually do, I got towards the end where Revy and Rock are on an island or something and Rock gets kidnapped and Revy meets up with their contacts that were Taiwanese and Irish and I was wondering how they all sound in English. For the most part I don’t like English voice actors because they just don’t sound good. They always sound like they’re reading from a script and not actually acting. Like the scene I’m talking about right now; I looked up the English dub and it’s not great, one of the Irish guys lines sounds like it was the middle of a longer sentence. But I’m assuming and I’m pretty sure that the characters of Black Lagoon are assumed all be speaking English but it only can come across so much in Japanese. Like the Taiwanese girl speaks in broken Japanese so even though I don’t like English dubs I think I’m going to rewatch Black Lagoon not long after I finish it with English dubs just to see how it is. I’m not expecting great things but I think with all the different ethnicities in the show it could be interesting.

            I’ve seen people complain about regular actors being cast in animated movies instead of voice actors but again, I don’t think voice actors do as good a job as regular actors. I could be wrong, but from things I’ve seen actors really get into their characters and like jog in place and things like that to mimic what their character is doing. Even in games I’ll put the game in Japanese for the most part, especially if it’s a Japanese made game. English games tend to have good voice actors but for some reason Japanese game English dub actors aren’t great. It’s just what I’ve noticed. I remember in Soul Calibur 4 playing Talim and every time she gets hit she says “Please stop!” so you get hit a lot and all you hear is “Please stop! Please stop! Please stop!” It’s annoying. I swapped it into Japanese and it was so much less annoying. Another one is like the original Breath of the Wild trailer had a spine chilling Zelda cry. It gave me goose bumps. I then went to show the trailer to my wife later that day and the one I clicked on was the English dub and thought “it should be okay” and it gets to that cry and I couldn’t believe it. It was like a hiccup, I was like “what??” So in short, for all I know Japanese voice actors could suck too but because I don’t actually understand it I think they’re better than English voice actors. I don’t think that’s true, it could be but I think Japanese VA put way more effort and emotion into their roles.

            So what do you think? Do you have a certain way you watch certain series’ or franchises? What are your opinions about voice actors/acting? Let me know your thoughts and I’ll get out of your way for a bit. Bye bye!



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