Reviving My 3DS and Fighting Cynthia

            I just had to most fucked up Pokemon battle I’ve ever had, in any game. Let me back up a bit and try to paint the picture a tad bit better. Over the last week or so I’ve been bebopping between a bunch of my Switch games. I’ve done pretty much all I can do in Pokemon Sword, finally got a shiny Magikarp from the event that just ended, played a little of Mario Odyssey, a little 3D World, a little Splatoon 2 and even some Kid Icarus Uprising on my 3DS. Now, my 3DS is kind of fucked. The battery just doesn’t hold its charge, if I want to play it I have to have it connected to an outlet. Not a big deal unless I want to play it somewhere besides my house. I was looking at replacement batteries for the 3DS (which I still haven’t bought, hold on, okay and that is done), I figured they either were going to be super expensive or complicated to replace but when I was researching I found neither to be the case. But the thought of actually using my 3DS on break at work or whatever got me really excited to play Mario Kart 7 or Project Mirai or even Pokemon Platinum!

So, before going on to the rest of the Pokemon bit for this blog, there are these new rumors/facts that Mario Kart 9 is in active development. Finally, some good news. Before that announcement I started thinking “ffs Nintendo, just give me a Mario Kart 7 port. I’d play that.” I’m so tired of Mario Kart 8. I’m just SO tired of it. Like, I still like it, I’d still play it with friends and family but I’m just done. I would so love to go back to 7 for a spell. Maybe that’ll hold me over until 9 comes out.

So Pokemon Platinum. The thought of playing Platinum got me really excited and was the push for me to get a replacement battery for my 3DS. Now I know the remakes are out, I’m getting to that, but I’d rather just play Platinum. I’d play Platinum just because I WANT to; Shining Pearl is something I feel like I HAVE to play. It feels like a choir and the Poketch is just painfully awful. In my last post I touched on my woes with the Elite 4 but let me tell ya, it’s been balls. Last thing Aaron throws out, does earthquake, kills my Empoleon, first thing, FIRST THING Bertha throws out, DOES EARTHQUAKE, Flint, not so bad, Lucian, not so ba- BRONZONG KNOWS EARTHQUAKE!!! For the most part, those four weren’t too bad. I had to heal and/or revive a few Pokemon but whatever, I’m at Cynthia, I can do this. Yeah, well, about that.

Cynthia kept kicking my ass and I had stopped playing for a few weeks. I got on during break Sunday with the intent of losing on purpose to go level my Pokemon up or catch some new ones or even just wait until Pokemon Home is up for BDSP. (I still have my original team from Platinum.) So I half-heartedly start my battle. I’m getting some of her team down to red but she switches them out, she’s knocking out my Pokemon, I knockout one of hers. Then two, three, four? I haven’t done this before. What does she have left? Milotic and Garchomp right? At this point I only have Palkia left. Once I get to Garchomp I can ice beam him and Palkia can probably tank Milotic until I heal my team, I mean, I’ve come this far I might as well try. Palkia takes barely any damage from Milotic while I heal everyone, the only real annoying thing is her recover but with Palkia’s pressure it’s not so bad. Milotic faints due to struggle which I’ve never seen in an Elite 4 fight. Here it is, the last fight. Garchomp vs Empoleon. I tell Empoleon to do ice beam, Garchomp does FUCKING EARTHQUAKE!!! WHY’S EVERYONE KNOW THIS FUCKING MOOOOVE! EMPOLEON HANGS ON TO 1HP FOR DEAR LIFE, DOES ICE BEAM, GARCHOMP IS FROZEN!!! GARCOMP THAWED OUT, USED EARTHQUAKE, FFFFFUUUUU!!! After that it was just me rotating Pokemon he could one hit kill with earthquake until he used up all his PP. Fucking dumbest fight ever.

So that’s done, now I can kind of just screw around on Shining Pearl. I have a few more Pokemon to see to finish up my Pokedex so I can go more places but I think the only thing I’m going to do is catch all the Unowns. If I catch all of them and put them in Home I won’t have to think about catching them ever again. (Edit: Caught all the Unowns, thought that would take longer.)

Other than that I wanted to touch on anime a bit. For the first time in forever I have a few weekly anime to follow. I still have my giant ass list of things to watch but it’s kind of nice to have these weekly shows too. Having a whole season already aired and able to binge is really nice when I have a few hours to kill but having something to look forward to each week is good. Also I’ve noticed from these shows that anime just looks amazing right now. I don’t know why but the quality is just so good. Maybe it’s no different then usual but to me things just look so much more detailed and vivid. I’ve also been catching up on the second season of Laid-Back Camp and now I want to go camping… Anywho.

So what do you think huh? Excited for a new Mario Kart? Still playing on a 3DS? Any Pokemon stories to share? Let me know and I’ll be back sometime. Windjammers 2 next week! WOOHOO!!!





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