Updates and Final Thoughts For 2021


        Hello, it’s the last day of the year! Or maybe it’s 2022 by the time I post this. I’m so glad to be done with Christmas. Like from October-ish to now it’s just a mad rush of being busy with family and events and on top of that lots of overtime this year cause everything sucks so yeah, glad it’s done, things are starting to wind down. I thought I’d just give a few quick updates on previous posts, thoughts and ideas.

            First off, No Way Home. If you haven’t seen it yet just skip this paragraph and also, go see it!! It’s pretty good, there were things I thought could be a little better but overall, nearly perfect. Pretty much I just wish that the Tobey characters and Andrew characters reacted a bit more to each other since they pretty much share characters. So like, Otto knows Curt Connors, Curt says they are friends in Spider-Man 2 so I just wish when it was revealed that the Lizard was Connors that it got some kind of reaction from Otto. Other than that it was a big movie with lots of big moments but honestly, how many more of those “moments” can we really get? Like Infinity War and Endgame had a lot of cool call backs and things that got the audience excited. Captain America calling Mjolnir, the theaters went wild when that happened. And same with No Way Home, it’s a combination of movies over a long span of time, I just don’t see Marvel getting these kinds of reactions from us the audience in the future. How many big events are left in the comics to do really? Secret Invasion, Secret Wars, maybe, MAYBE Spider-Geddon or something? I don’t know the comics that well but most of the “big” events have been done even if it was on a smaller scale. I mean, No Way Home was the first current Marvel movie that I really cared about. Black Widow and Shang-chi weren’t spectacular but that’s to be expected, I haven’t even bothered to see Eternals yet. So yeah.

            Saw the new Matrix. I was seeing a lot of bad reviews and stuff but I just don’t get what was so bad. It’s better than the last two and again, some things could have been different. I stayed awake through the whole thing so it at least kept my attention. The real world plugs of Warner Bros. and things like the Game Awards were physically hurting @NEETproxy. At the beginning Trinity says something like (gah, I was looking for the actual line but I can’t find it.) “I always wanted kids but did I really want them or was it just told to me so many times that I thought I wanted them.” It really struck a cord with me because I’ve been struggling with things like that since I was a kid. Like asking someone “how was your vacation?” I don’t fucking care. I mean unless it’s a friend or family member but like coworkers? Nah, I don’t care. Asking me how my weekend was, you don’t fucking care why are you even asking me? It’s like laughing at jokes, especially at work, did I actually think it was funny or did I just laugh because I know I’m suppose to? At the beginning of the movie is a guy talking about “bullet time” in the game they are making and it made me really nostalgic for FEAR. It was such a good game, I remember the 360 version had SMGs you could dual wield and that’s just what really made me make the FEAR/Matrix connection. It was so fun to dual wield with bullet time in that game. I wish they’d remake FEAR. Just keep everything the same but update the visuals from the ground up. Everything else about the game is fine the way it is.

            A little Ghost Recon update; @NEETproxy and I played a little bit of the Conquest mode and it does make the game a little better but it still sucks at its core. Like I see on the map a “no fly zone” because the drones will take your helicopter down. Okay, cool, kind of like what I thought it should be like but we didn’t really have any issue flying around. We got a warning saying the drones were coming but @NEETproxy just flew real close to the ground, not a problem. Then we were doing a mission where we had to rescue some guy and remain undetected because if we get caught they were going to kill him! So we were doing our thing, @NEETproxy got detected, everyone goes towards him and I was able to walk right in and free the guy. It’s dumb. Like as far as a video game goes, it’s okay I guess, if you have absolutely nothing else to play but as I’m playing I’m just thinking “God, The Division 2 is so much better.”

            Arceus at the end of next month, that’s exciting. Having some issues with the Elite 4 in Shining Pearl. Everybody knows earthquake, takes out my Empoleon, shits rough. I might actually have to go level up a bit more and/or get different Pokemon. I don’t ever remember having a hard time with the Elite 4 but I think this time around the upped the levels a bit. And with Fairy type around now it changes a few things. But I’m excited for Arceus, I’ve been loving the art I’ve seen people do so far and also Cynthia’s new outfit is quite nice too.

            I really thought these were going to be shorter but I’m done now. I feel like I need to finish stuff up in Sword and Pearl before Arceus comes out but I also feel like I need to play a bunch of other things and also watch a bunch of things. I feel like there was nothing to do for the longest time and now it’s like there’s too much. I really want to play Mario Odyssey for some reason, Splatoon 2, Kid Icarus Uprising, I have Doom Eternal DLC I haven’t finished, I’ve got Control that I haven’t touched, I’ve got the new Tomb Raider games from the Epic Store for free even though I’ve already played them but also thinking about playing Tomb Raider just makes me want to play Horizon. And the Book of Boba Fett is out, Witcher 2, too many things, not enough time in a day. Alright, so, you see No Way Home and/or Matrix yet? What did you think? Any big plans for New Years and beyond?  Let me know below and I’ll catch you all later.




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