The Waifu Division


I’ve been playing The Division 2 a little bit again and oh man it is so nice to play after dealing with Breakpoint. Everything is so much smoother and more satisfying. I really do like The Division 2 and it made me think about the anime Division game that doesn’t exist. So, obviously I’m gonna talk about that.

            Most likely in my game I would have all the characters be female. It doesn’t have to be like the real world, it’s fiction after all, so all women, all the time. I know that wouldn’t really fly with the sexist West that just can’t even imagine playing as a character that doesn’t have a beard. It always surprises me when I see things about “gamers” being upset about female leads, like what the fuck, grow up. Anyway. I think there’s enough of an interest for a solid player base for a game with all girls, but if need be we can add in the typical, generic male anime leads. Girls are just so much more interesting. They can do so much more with their hair and have more unique clothing options then guys. We get like, pants and shorts for bottoms, that’s it. They have pants, shorts, skirts, leggings, capris, dresses, combinations. So many things to choose from! So, for character creation there would be a bunch of hair options and full spectrum of colors. Twin tails, pony tail, short, long, bob, straight bangs and everything in between. The guy’s hair option would be the generic spiky hair that they all have, you know the one. We could also have the typical school girl/teen girls and a slightly older option. The guys would have the same options. Generic protag, slightly older and older-older.

            So on to the clothing/armor, I really like the concept of crap that’s left over from the collapse of society. Raincoats, different first responder uniforms, kid’s backpacks, stuff like that. I mean if you’re kind of just trying to survive you’re going to pick cloths that will last and survive in the elements and just whatever is on hand. I like this picture, it shows pretty much what I’m going for and it’ll probably be at the bottom of the page too. I’ll probably refer to it multiple times but I love that the riot shield is busted up and has caution tape on it, I like that some of the tights/leggings are ripped because again, you’re scavenging, you’re in firefights, you’re not always going to have new cloths or time to sew up the holes. Maybe you’re cloths can keep getting torn and ruined but when you get to a safe location they get fixed. Not like destroyed to the point that you’re in your undies like Soul Calibur. I just imagine things like in Gunpowder Milkshake, like having a child’s backpack because you’re not going to have these fancy, combat like backpacks that are in The Division. You’re just going to use what’s lying around. You might be able to find a big hiking backpack but I want these options to be closer to everyday objects. I just want a firefighter jacket to be honest. They don’t have them in Division 2 for whatever reason but that’s all I want and I don’t know why I want it but I do. Probably Fire Force’s fault. The picture also has the girls with face/gas masks either on their face or hanging around their necks and if the game were to have a similar kind of contamination that The Division has I’d like the masks to always be around. Either have an option to show them on or off (unless in contaminated area) or an option to have it hang around your neck.

            I still like the loose idea of tank, DPS and healers that The Division 2 has. Well, I think it’s a loose concept, like it doesn’t matter too much if you have a “proper” build for the PvE but I could be wrong. I usually use a tank like build with a heal skill and don’t usually have many issues when my friends and I play on higher difficulties but I could be wrong. We could be “playing the game wrong.” I like the idea of the tank having a riot shield but I think the shield should take a weapon slot. It’s hard for me because I really like the option to use my shotgun or SMG with my shield but I think a riot shield with a pistol is really the way to go. I’d like the shields to have either different mods you could put on them or the shields had different abilities. Examples; the ricochet shield in Division 2 could be one, a disorienting flash gadget like Blitz in Rainbow Six Siege and a TASER like gadget that Clash, also from R6S, has. I was thinking another shield/tank option would be placing a smaller shield on other guns. LMGs, shotguns and rifles, much like in Army of Two but the trade off is they won’t have the riot shield’s other options. The other thing to look into is a healer class type. In The Division 2 you don’t “heal” but “repair” your armor. It’s not my favorite train of thought but when I was thinking about how we actually heal it does take a long time and how do you implement it in a game? When you get shot what happens? What do paramedics do? Blood transfusions? So the healer would carry blood bags to give to the injured maybe? Now what’s in those syringes in Breakpoint? Are they supposed to be filled with blood? I looked online and couldn’t really find an answer to what was in the syringes. So I don’t know how to fix the healing issue. Shove a tampon in the wound, slap a band-aid over it and sew it up later?

            Another thing to talk about is the gadgets of The Division 2. I find a lot of them to not exactly be useful or they could be thinned out. The chem launcher for instance; I really like the riot foam. It’s good to get enemies out of cover that just won’t move or those gunners that prone. But the other options for the chem launcher, like the oxidizer and flammable gas shouldn’t be used. They’re too much like chemical warfare to me, I mean, it’s in the name but it’s still not cool. I think the auto turret, seeker mines and sticky launcher (reminds me of what Batman uses in The Dark Knight) are good as is but I still think they don’t exactly need other options. I also think that a surveillance drone is the only type of drone that there needs to be; it could be sent out and scan enemies through walls and such. Another thing I really like is the talents they have in The Division 2. Ah, I meant to look up some of the names, I think the one I really like for the shield is called vanguard. When you take out your shield your allies get bonus armor, it’s a neat tank/healer hybrid talent. I think they’ve done a good job with the talents on the armors. I don’t know if the special weapon type things/specializations need to come back though. If so I’d like them to be interchangeable maybe. There are some grenades I like more from certain specs and some other combinations I’d like to mix up myself.

            I think that about does it. Oh, I didn’t go over a city where it could take place. Uh, Tokyo would be the obvious choice I guess. It seems Tokyo is much larger than Washington DC, we wouldn’t exactly need to use the whole of Tokyo either. The gameplay loop could relatively stay unchanged. Actually if you just kept everything about The Division 2 but made all the characters anime girls I’d be content. The things that need to stay from The Division 2 are the ragdolling from explosive packs on certain enemies’ legs. It’s just so good and so funny seeing them fly off. I like all the different things that are on enemies that you can shoot to weaken them. I love that if you shoot someone throwing a grenade they’ll drop it. It’s very satisfying to finish reloading just in time to get that one shot on someone who’s about to throw a grenade. The cover to cover is so nice too. It’s like Ubisoft forgets what they’ve done, and done well I might add, in previous games. Like in Assassin’s Creed Unity they had a lock picking, mechanic? Minigame? Segment? I don’t know what you want to call it but it fucking sucked. But in the old Splinter Cell games the lock picking was fucking perfect. It was simple; simple is best. On a controller you would turn the analog stick and it would vibrate more the closer you got to the right spot until you found it. I’m interested to see what The Division Heartland is going to be. It’s being made by Red Storm so I’m guessing it’s something multiplayer like since it’s free. I can’t imagine they’d release a free PvE game like the others. Sooo I think I’m done, what’cha think? Hate it? Looove it? Let me know and maybe we’ll see something like this in the future from Ubisoft or someone else like Mica Team who made Girls’ Frontline. Fingers crossed. Bye.






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