
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Waifu Division

  I’ve been playing The Division 2 a little bit again and oh man it is so nice to play after dealing with Breakpoint. Everything is so much smoother and more satisfying. I really do like The Division 2 and it made me think about the anime Division game that doesn’t exist. So, obviously I’m gonna talk about that.             Most likely in my game I would have all the characters be female. It doesn’t have to be like the real world, it’s fiction after all, so all women, all the time. I know that wouldn’t really fly with the sexist West that just can’t even imagine playing as a character that doesn’t have a beard. It always surprises me when I see things about “gamers” being upset about female leads, like what the fuck, grow up. Anyway. I think there’s enough of an interest for a solid player base for a game with all girls, but if need be we can add in the typical, generic male anime leads. Girls are just so much more interesting. They can do so much more with their hair and have more