Tom Clancy Games and Exclusives

           The reason I talk about Ghost Recon so much is because I’m a big fan of Tom Clancy games but GR is the only one that has really done anything lately. I was complaining a lot during the Xbox One era that Microsoft was doing shit for exclusives. They just weren’t putting anything out and I was in a funk with my current games and I thought to myself, “okay, so when was I the most happy while gaming? The 360 days. Okay, what did I play? Halo. Crackdown. Tom Clancy… Then what the fuck am I bitching about? Nothing’s changed!” So after that revelation I had a thought: I knew I didn’t really care about Sony’s exclusives but I didn’t realize I didn’t really care about Xbox’s either. I got a PS4 because SOMEONE couldn’t get an Xbox to play Monster Hunter World on so I did end up playing some of the exclusives that @NEETproxy lent to me because I had the thing so why not but even then I don’t think I would be missing anything if I hadn’t. Spider-Man is overrated as far as I’m concerned, Horizon Zero Dawn has good bones but it’s another stealth-action with crafting so it just falls short in some areas. God of War is entertaining, it was nice to see something I played a lot in my youth shinier and with new mechanics but after one playthrough I was done. I’ve been meaning to go back to it but just haven’t.

            I’m critical of the Tom Clancy games because I liked them so much growing up. Splinter Cell was mostly good, I loved Rainbow Six Vegas and its sequel and I love love LOVE Ghost Recon Future Soldier. I’ve heard the argument online “if you’re a fan of something you’ll like it no matter what” and that’s just so wrong and dangerous. If you don’t criticize and tell companies that something doesn’t work or you don’t like it then nothing will change and they’ll keep pumping out trash like the latest Star Wars trilogy. As far as current games in the series’, Splinter Cell Blacklist came out in 2013, there’s talk that there’s a VR game coming and some unknown multiplayer only game that has Echelon, Ghost Recon Wolves, The Division Cleaners and 2’s Outcasts. Since The Division is considered not part of the other Tom Clancy games it's apparent this game isn’t going to be anything “lore” like but maybe it’ll be fun. Sounds kind of like a Heroes of the Storm MOBA, could be cool if it was a Spies vs Mercs kind of thing but you get it, Splinter Cell hasn’t been around for years. The closest thing you get is Echelon Class in Breakpoint and even then it’s meh.

            Rainbow Six Siege is a fun game, I do enjoy it but people are too competitive. Like I understand wanting to do well and get better but everybody seems to think that they’re training to be in the R6 Invitational. If we had a couple more people to play with it wouldn’t be so bad you know? Do our own thing, at our own pace. I’d much rather play Siege then Apex tbh. I’m still bummed that we didn’t and haven’t gotten Rainbow Six Patriots. When it was announced, and even now, there is so much material in the political climate that they could pull from but I think they might be shaken after getting backlash from Bolivia for Wildlands so I don’t know how long it will be before they make another game in a real world setting. There’s a mission in the rebooted Call of Duty Modern Warfare that is ripped straight out of the Patriots trailer. It might’ve been the second mission, I’m pretty sure it’s the first mission with Captain Price but it’s really good and while playing I was just thinking “can they actually do this?” I mean if Ubi isn’t going to use it someone might as well right? Rainbow Six Extraction is looking, goofy at the moment. I mean it could still be a fun game but is it worth $60 to me? Eh. Don’t get me wrong, I also think it’s good for people like me who really do enjoy Siege but don’t like the competitiveness of it, and I think it’s a three player coop situation so that’d work perfect for my friends and I.

            I do play The Division 2 from time to time; I find it similar to Wildlands. I can sit down one day, start it up and play it for a month or two and then just as quickly stop. But like I said The Division is kind of its own thing and I mean, what’s to know or talk about the story? It doesn’t matter; it’s the last thing I care about. Yahtzee says it all the time that putting narrative in a multiplayer driven game is rather pointless. You might have one person in the squad that cares (I’m that person in other TC games) but everyone else skips the cutscene and is waiting around or takes off leaving the one dude behind. So Ghost Recon has been the only thing in forever that’s done anything solo/coop so that’s why I talk about it so much. Good God, what would happen if the others DID have games for me to talk about? I still have hopes for a Girls’ Frontline Division like game. After seeing the trailer for GFL 2 I think it’ll eventually go in that direction.

            I’m always confused as to what to play. I’ll start playing Wildlands because it’s good but then I’ll think “well, I should play Breakpoint because it’s newer and there’s things I haven’t finished yet,” but then I do play it and it’s so clunky and glitchy that I go to Future Solider and it’s sooo good but it’s old and doesn’t run great on my PC. I really think that BP would have done a lot better if it didn’t do the WL’s formula and went in a more Shadow of the Tomb Raider direction. I think one of the reasons it’s so buggy and glitchy is because it came out so soon after WL that they didn’t have time to iron out the kinks. If they just used the assets from WL it probably would have been a lot better. But I think they should’ve just made it rather linear from a single player, mission to mission point of view and then in coop the world opens up and you can go off the beaten path and screw around. Like, there really shouldn't be helicopters for you to use, the map shouldn't be that big. I think that was kind of the point with the drones taking out your helicopter when you entered the island. The intro mission to BP was good. It was very clear where you had to go and there were several ways to get there. There were some areas where you could go off the main road to find some loot boxes but mostly you wanted to get to Erewhon and complete the mission to get the next. I think if they brought the scope down to a linear fashion and scripted events it would’ve felt more like you were trapped, alone and hunted. I think of it like Bowser’s Fury for some reason. You get to an area on the map, you have to find five shines and then when you do the main shines it opens up or changes a little and there’s more shines and puzzles to complete.

            So yeah, I hope that kind of explains why I write so much about Ghost Recon. It’s not that I like hating on BP it’s just Ubisoft did things pretty well in the past that it sucks to see it get worse and worse. I’m thinking what I’ll do is stream a playthrough of Future Soldier, then Blacklist and then maybe go back to Wildlands and Breakpoint. But there are a few more videos I want to make first and I have to finish my Plague Tale playthrough also. Alright thanks for reading if ya did, look at my YouTubes and let me know if you have any suggestions or preference of my continuing WL or BP. Bye bye.

                             @AztecSauce                                                  @KaijuVTuber



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