TC's XDefiant


          Ubisoft showed us their new multiplayer game, Tom Clancy’s XDefiant. Honestly, they seem out of touch with their Tom Clancy audience. I knew the second I saw the TC logo trailer thing with all the graffiti art and spiky neon hair it wasn’t going to go over well. Tom Clancy fans typically want down to Earth, tactical, strategic games that border on simulation. In fact while playing Breakpoint recently I was trying to snipe; my target was over 100 meters away so I was trying to use the mil dots on my scope to get a clean shot but the mil dots don’t really work in Breakpoint. They work in Apex Legends though. I found that to be a little frustrating.

I get that Ubi sees all the other kids in their sandboxes full of money and they want a piece of that pie too but that’s not what their audience is looking for. I think that’s partially the reason Rainbow Six Extraction got pushed back was because it’s getting too far away from the down to Earth element most of us love. Besides Vigil being invisible to the enemy alien things, I don’t think team Rainbow is exactly equipped or the right group to deal with an alien event. They’re like the best SWAT team around not an alien murder squad. And you know, maybe some operators just should sit this one out, like Vigil. I can’t see Mira exactly being too helpful either.

I don’t see fans of Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six getting too excited about XDefiant. I think the group that it’ll appeal to the most is The Division fans. Tom Clancy games have found some niche success in multiplayer with Splinter Cell’s Spies vs Mercs and Ghost Recon Future Soldiers’ multiplayer. I think The Division Dark Zones are pretty popular too. I could be wrong, I never went out there, too scary. And obviously Rainbow Six Siege. You know why Siege succeeds? Because it's different. I think the game could be interesting depending on the objectives. From the trailer it just looks slow and, I want to say straight forward? Like it just kind of looks like a western shoot out. I don’t know, it’s free so there’s no harm giving it a shot. The reason I started playing Apex was because it’s loosely tied to Titanfall so who knows. Maybe it’ll be something my friends and I can hope into once in a while and have a good time. We’ll have to see.

                        @AztecSauce                                @theKaijuVtuber 





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