Violence Is Bad But We Don't Care
so soon! I’m kind of bored so. I’ve thought about this a bunch and after
watching the horrible show that was the Mortal Kombat movie I thought I’d start
writing. I often think about why we’re so interested in violence and killing
and what video games and movies would look like if they weren’t so violent or
didn’t involve guns. It seems from what I’ve seen in media that the world is a
powder keg and there’s all sorts of wars, unrest and coups. I feel like the
But what would competive gaming be like without violence/guns? Halo, CoD, CS all focus on killing the other team. Apex is kind of different to a point because it seems to be a “sport” of sorts. I mean the characters die and come back; there are multiple of the same characters running around so it seems different. If it wasn’t for guns what would these games be like? Would we have more games like Rocket League or Splatoon? Would games be more like “games” that make you think and problem solve? I mean CoD is pretty simplistic. Point and shoot. Halo has a kind of rhythm to it, has a rock, paper, scissors kind of thing to it. Shoot grunts in the head, shoot a jackles hand then the head, noob combo the elites/brutes.
why are we so fascinated with blood and guts? Why is it so satisfying in some
games to rip somebody apart? Is it just wired in our brains at some primitive
level or have we been desensitized by the media? Like look at the title of thisarticle. “Strong bloody violence throughout” makes it better. I mean, I’m not
saying you’re wrong but why are you not wrong? Why am I okay with it? If you
even look at the MCU the first movie starts off in the
So yeah, I don’t know. It’s just weird to me. Like we view guns as “bad” yet most of our media and entertainment is centered around guns. Anyways, bye.
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