PC Masters... of Jumping Through Hoops


           I find PC gaming to be frustrating at times. I get in different moods where I just focus on one specific console for no good reason. Like, “I’m gonna play a ton of Switch” or “I really feel like doing all this PC stuff” and every other console or game is just not an option. I find it odd but it’s just a mood and I go from thing to thing. I feel like that’s how it must be for fanboys all the time that’s why they’re so agro all the time. They’re just hyper focused on their console of choice for whatever reason. But PC gaming can be so finicky and between different CPUs, video cards and RAM it’s no surprise really.

            Last year I was having issues trying to play WarCraft 3 Reforged and Deep Rock Galactic. The games would typically freeze and maybe it would come back, maybe it wouldn’t. WC3 I kept forgetting that it would do it so I would start playing then five minutes in or so it would happen and it’d be like “oh yeah.” It got really annoying when @PoeTomic and I were trying to do 2v2 comp stomp and it happened and I had to restart my computer. I only remember how much trouble I was having with WC3 because I was trying to play it the other day and it happened. Deep Rock would freeze at the beginning of the game, come out of it and usually be fine. I would Google what could be the issue and that’s usually no help. People are always like “wHaT aRe YoU’rE sPeCs tHo??????” or “mAkE SuRe yOuR vIdEo DrIvEr iS uP tO dAtE.” Well my driver was up to date then, it’s up to date now and WC3 still is not working properly. In between playing Deep Rock the guys and I would play Apex Legends and I would play Cyberpunk 2077. The “latest and greatest” game and it ran perfectly fine but WC3 and Deep Rock were having issues. Would I be trying to play through WC3’s campaign again right now if it wasn’t “remastered?” No probably not, BUT if I was trying to play the original WC3 I probably wouldn’t have any issue.

            One issue that I seemed to be having during WC3 and Deep Rock was it seemed like my hard drive would jack up to 100% usage. I had that issue before and did some things I found on Google and it seemed to go away. When it started happening again I did the same things but it was like the settings would never save so every time I booted up my PC I would have to disable the same things. But at some point it was like the issue just went away. I can’t remember anything happening except for WC3 a few days ago. I also feel like the only thing I have been playing on PC the last few months has been Apex. I’ve changed so many random settings in my PC to make certain games work that it makes me feel like I’ve just fucked my computer up and need a fresh hard drive but I really don’t want to. One thing that was happening with Shantae ½ Genie Hero is the game is sped up like 4x. It’s crazy. At first I thought it was just the way the game was but it wasn’t so I did an internet search, found a “fix,” did it and it was alright but when I would go to a new screen it would happen again. So I’d have to minimize the game, do the thing then I could play but it was happening so much that it just ruins the experience. Why bother?

            I had gotten Street Fighter X Tekken on sale on Steam a while ago and was able to play it fine when I got it. When I tried a few months ago I was having problems. It had something to do with the Games for Windows store or whatever but when I Googled I found something that actually helped and it plays fine now. Another small thing that happened was when I was trying to use Photoshop for our Youtube stuff, that isn’t going anywhere, and I was getting an error message. I use a really old PS program. It’s just what I have; it’s Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0. Found a forum where someone was having the same issue and the responses were “well that’s an old program, it’s no wonder it’s not working on Windows 10.” Fucking clowns. I was legit using it the day before and the next day this error was coming up. I just uninstalled it and reinstalled and have been able to continue using it no problem.

    (Edit/Add on): Another annoying thing I've found lately is that it seems anything but Steam will lose your save data if you change hardware. I recently got a new hard drive and my Steam stuff still has all of its, I'm guessing, cloud saves but Doom Eternal on Epic was gone and now Fallen Order on Origin is also gone. Had to restart Doom and I've just recently been wanting to play Fallen Order but now I have to restart that too but I really don't want to. Sigh.

            I sometimes think that I just want to play on consoles only because of stuff like this. I think of consoles to be like time capsules. More often than not you’re able to play a game on an older console with no issue. There are exceptions but usually it’s fine. Now the thing is that even if you buy a game physically you’re still installing it on your console as if it were a digital game so it’s like, what’s the point of having physical now? So what’s your take? Do you have issues PC gaming? Are you l33t super ha0xr that you can always get your stuff to run problem free? Have you been pushed to consoles because PCs are too frustrating? Let me know below and I’ll catch you later.



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