Face Buttons and Fighting Games' Controls


           Hello! Ninteno Life posted this picture on Youtube and it sparked a couple of old pet peeves I have. Let’s just get right through this.

            As the picture shows, the big three game companies use an X as a face button, all of which are in a different position. I think Sony gets a pass on this topic because all their buttons are just symbols where as Microsoft and Nintendo use letters, though I do see why “O” should be open and “X” should be close or cancel but “X” has been “accept” for so long. Well, for us in the West anyway. I’m sure you’re aware but Xbox and Nintendo use the same four letters. The Nintendo 64’s controller has a lot of buttons, lots of letters. A, B, four C’s, there’s a Z in there. The Sega Dreamcast has, the now Xbox traditional buttons, A, B, X and Y. The Super Nintendo controller used A, B, X and Y but didn’t go back to that scheme until the Wii’s “classic controller” but they’re in the opposite spots as Xbox’s. It’s kind of annoying when you play both systems. I don’t understand why someone didn’t pick four different letters. There are twenty six of them, pick some others. Now let’s put this on the burner for now and we’ll come back.

            My next talking point is fighting games button configuration. They are all so convoluted. Street Fighter you have high, mid and low punches and kicks. It’s not HORRIBLE but from what little I’ve played of SF sometimes they don’t tell you high, mid or low punch in the move list but it is specific to one of the three. I remember trying to do a move with Juri or Ibuki and it not working with one of them but I tried a different kick and it worked. But I don’t see why they can’t just say “left B.” Then you get to Soul Calibur. Soul Cal’s controls are A, B and K. A would be A (on Xbox) right? No stupid! A is X and B is Y but K is B. Not the Y B, the B B. You lost yet? I love the way Tekken shows the moves on their list. They show all the face buttons and the one(s) you need to press are highlighted. It’s so clean and simple; the way things should be in my opinion. Even Blazblue I can get behind. Going clockwise from X to A their letters are A, B, C, and D. I can follow that. I don’t understand why in these games, if they’re going to make a legend to tell you what controller button corresponds to whatever made up letters the developers want to use they can’t just, put the controller buttons into the move from the start. You can’t just select your symbol, “find all” and replace with “Y”? I think ya couuuuld.

            So going back to the first point now; Nintendo tends to do their own thing and don’t always use a “traditional” controller but the Switch is the third console in a row to have a controller with the A, B, X and Y setup so there’s no reason to assume that’s going to change. In MY opinion, I think, I would prefer maybe, Nintendo adopted the Blazblue button configuration of A, B, C and D. Apparently the Neogeo used those four letters, not in a pattern that makes sense like I’m suggesting but nevertheless. I think Xbox has had this setup since its conception so it’s kind of part of its brand and should stay the same. I’ve heard the complaint that people might get “confused” by saying “B” and hearing “D” and vice versa but nobody fucking talks to each other anymore. We all type to each other and even if someone confuses “D” for “B,” how is that any different then being told “hit A” and hitting the wrong “A” because you’re used to the other controller? Nintendo doesn’t even have a real voice chat feature so who cares? (Ou, sick burn, I know, I know.) If not A, B, C and D why not N, S, E and W, as in the cardinal directions? Everyone knows those and shouldn’t really generate any real confusion when being told to hit a certain button. I don’t know why fighting games insist you learn a new language just to figure out characters moves though. I don’t know if it’s a “it’s tradition” thing or “it’s always been this way” but lemme tell you, I work in a place that is “always been this way” so everything is always shit. You can fix a broken part with a new part but it’s still the same shitty part, it’s going to break in the same shitty way. Do something different, be brave, grow a dick, it’s not that scary to change your buttons, you can do it. Think of the casuals. Anyways, that’s my little rant. Well, it might be normal sized. Anywho, what do you think? Should one of the companies change their control scheme? Do you get confused switching controllers or with fighting games controls? Let me know down below.

@AztecSauce                                @TheGetGudScrubs


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