A Real NEW Pokemon!

Oh my God! They did a thing! This is as close to what I wished for in my first wish list post as it could get! Pokemon Legends Arceus. It looks good. It looks like everything I’ve wanted and suggested over the years. This is probably gonna be short but let’s talk about what we can. I’m so glad to see that Pokemon actually go up to each other and do their moves. I never got to play Stadium and when I came across Battle Revolution I just had to get it but I was disappointed that the Pokemon still did their moves like they did on the handhelds. I expected when Scyther did double team there would be several of them, like the anime, like Naruto’s shadow clones, but no. Ponyta doing bounce and then standing in the air on the next turn, that was upsetting. So this is a good, this is a positive, I’m pleased for now. ...