Top 5 3DS Games


            What’s going on everybody? The guys over at Nintendo Life each made a video about their favorite Switch games to date and as I was watching it I thought “know what? I’m gonna make a list of my favorite 3DS games” so here we are. I really love the 3DS and obviously the 3D of it. I don’t know how it works, it’s voodoo as far as I’m concerned but it’s so fucking neat. I feel like there will be nothing gaming hardware related that’s going to blow me away like that again. From what I’ve heard most people don’t like the 3D but I typically don’t like what most people do like and vice versa. I’m sure it was a pain in the ass to develop with but I liked it. These aren’t in any particular order, I really didn’t feel like trying to find a hierarchy of these and hem and haw about what I liked more, except for the last one. That is defiantly my favorite 3DS game. Was gonna do this in video form but my interest in such things fluctuate. Sometimes I’m really gung-ho to do something and other times I don’t.

            Hatsune Miku and Future Stars: Project Mirai

            This was my first Miku rhythm game; I bought a Japanese 3DS specifically for it. I love the nendoroid look; I knew about Good Smile Company long before the game came out. I had several nendoroids so I was really into the look of the game. It’s very cute and the characters expressions are fun. I like the gameplay more than the other typical Miku games. In the other games the button prompts come flying in from the edges of the screen and you have to press the button when it gets to its place. In Project Mirai there is a track that your cursor thing sits on and the button prompts sit on the track and when your cursor gets to the button you try to time you button press as well as you can. I just prefer it that way. I bought the second game that came out in Japan as well as the English DX game. So yeah, I liked this game a lot. I really think that the nendoroid Miku should be a fighter is Smash also.

            Super Mario 3D Land

            I really liked 3D Land. What’s not to like? I loved that a lot of the music was the same from Super Mario Bros. 3. I liked the game a lot more than the Wii U’s 3D World. The 3DS’ 3D really helped the perspective. In 3D World I was constantly falling off the maps. Maybe that was just me. But now I’m really looking forward to 3D World on the Switch. I’m just itching to play as someone other than Mario.

            Fire Emblem Awakening

Awakening was the first game in the Fire Emblem franchise that I played. I played the demo to death. I’ve played through it several times but I have yet to finish any of the Fire Emblems released since. They all do things that I just don’t care for. If they were roughly identical to Awakening I probably wouldn’t have a problem. Conquest was just hard. I remember seeing something that Birthright was easier. Why would they do that? That’s like making Pokemon Gold harder than Silver. I borrowed @NEETproxy’s Echoes but didn’t get very far. I like Three Houses but I don’t like the teaching parts, I just don’t want to do that, I just want to do missions. But I thought the romancing in Awakening was good. My first play through I married Cordelia and got really attached to Severa and Morgan. On my other play throughs it felt weird not picking Cordelia.

            Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

            This isn’t so much a vote for MH3U on the 3DS as it is for the Wii U but there’s a reason it’s here. Like most things that I typically get attached to, MH3U was the first MonHun game I played. It was almost magical. Everything was new. Everything I/we encountered was like eye popping, “wow what was that?!” moments. I remember our first hunt was with a Qurupeco. When we first were fighting it it’s like “yeah, it’s colorful and goofy, it kinda fits with this game I guess.” Then it does its little call and down comes a Rathian. I just remember @PoeTomic saying “dragon, DRAGON!” They look like they’re from two different games. But the reason it’s on my 3DS list is because of the local multiplayer option. I had it on my Wii U and on Wednesdays we’d get together and play games, watch movies, whatever. So the guys would set up on the couch with their 3DS’ and me on my Wii U. Not many games really did that. Some things on the Wii let you use the DS as a controller but this was different. This was good old fashion LAN made easy.

            Kid Icarus Uprising

            I love Kid Icarus Uprising sooo much. I didn’t know what to expect. It was like THE game that Nintendo advertised for the 3DS and it came out like a year later. I was hyped for it. It was just packed full of content. I beat Medusa thinking that was the end and was like “well that was short, but it was good.” I didn’t know how long to expect a 3DS game to be at the time and then as the credits are rolling you hear “now just wait a minute!” And I was like “whhhhhat?!” I loved the combining weapons to make a new weapon thing. There was a challenge wall just like Smash Brawl and that’s when I found out that Sakurai worked on the game and you can really see his influence through out Kid Icarus. I thought the voice acting was good and the amount of character interaction was over the top but not in a bad way, mostly. I didn’t have a problem with the original 3DS’ controls but when I got a New 3DS XL it’s really uncomfortable. I also find it absolutely criminal that, besides Paultena, no one is in Smash. I’d love more Dark Lord Gaol but I mean Phosphora or Magnus would be perfect. And again, these are Sakurai’s games! Why are they not in? Does he not want to look like he’s playing favorites? Does he even get a say or does Nintendo just dictate who to shove in? I don’t know, I don't get it.

            That’s my list. I made this thinking that nobody really talks about the 3DS but looking on YouTube there are quite a few people making videos about it surprisingly. How did you like the 3DS? What’s your favorite 3DS game? I was hoping that Nintendo was going to release a 3DSTV with a big ass 3D slider on the side of it.

                             @AztecSauce                                    @H4mmerBros


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