Wish List 2020
Hello. I haven’t been writing too much. Been kind of busy with things, been working on some projects kinda, if that’s what you want to call it. I thought I’d do another wish list type thing. Most of this list is just stuff I forgot to mention last year but here goes. First I’d just like to hit on some things from the last wish list. The new big thing with “tires” for Nintendo this holiday seems to be the Mario Kart Live game/RC car. I mean it’s cool and all and if this came out when I was a kid I would totally want it but I’m not so it’s a tad disappointing for me. No new Mario Kart this year. But Monster Hunter Rise is a thing and I’m pumped for that. That’s part of the “projects” I’ve been working on, maybe doing some videos for MHR when it comes out. @H4mmerBros playing Monster Hunter again. But we’ll have to see how things go. The other games...