Apex Legends

Ah shit’s wild right now man. I don’t even know what to do, like I just feel guilty going about my life with the things that are going on. I mean there’s always evil in the world but if you feel ashamed every time you’re happy how do you really live? I’ve been struggling to even write, it’s been back and forth of doing it and not doing it. Been watching Hamilton on Disney+ and it makes me want to be part of a revolution. All I can do is share tweets and donate right now. Not like it matters in the grand scheme of things so screw it. Anyways, the boys and I have been playing Apex Legends and this is just some things we’ve thought would be fun additions to the game.
            A couple of new weapon ideas we had; a grenade launcher and a mortar weapon. The grenade launcher would use the grenades on the map as ammo essentially. The grenades, shuriken and thermite would all have different properties as they fire but basically the grenade would be primed in the launcher so when it landed it would immediately have an effect. The grenade would just explode, the shuriken could be a lightning fast shot that could break doors and/or knock a player down or back or just take out their shields and the thermite could maybe just act like a flamethrower or a concentrated line of fire so you could almost “paint” where you want the fire to go, if that makes sense. The other weapon idea I like comes from Tribes: Ascend (RIP). It’s a portable mortar and it was a great anti-sniper weapon because it would launch high into the sky and could come down on top of towers and other high rocks. So many final fights we have end up with one team being up high with sniper rifles and the other on the ground not being able to get a good angle on the high ground team. The mortar could counter this stand off.
            The next thing I’ll talk about is a new character. I really would like to see an animal human hybrid for some reason. I’m not sure why but I really want a character like Kaiman from Dorohedoro or a Street Shark. I blame Ninja Turtles for imprinting this onto my impressionable child mind. I mean come on, bipedal triceratops? That’s awesome! I just love the idea, I don’t know, the only other thing I have is another character with roller blades. That’s it. A new ability I’d like to see a new character have is like a diversion lure. Somdething the character would toss and it would sound like a firefight. Enemy teams in the area would either run from the noise or check it out to see if they could pick off players they think are currently battling and that’s when your team could get the jump on them.
            The last things I’d like to add is I’d like to see some of the weapons use different ammo. I’ve only been playing Apex for about a month but apparently the charge rifle used to use energy ammo. Makes sense. The fact that it currently uses sniper ammo is defiantly odd. I’d like to see it use energy ammo again and I almost feel that the triple take could use shotgun ammo, most of the time that’s what I use it as, a shotgun. The last thing I’d like to see added is seeing what kind of weapon your team has be shown under their names on the bottom left. It could just be the color of the weapon so you could quickly look and see, “oh, they have a light gun, I’ll ask if they need this magazine” as appose to, “anyone have a light gun?!” “Yes.” “No.” “Do you need a blue mag?” Edit: I have noticed this morning that when you look at your inventory you can, in fact, see what your team has for weapon types but it could just as easily be on screen at all times.
            That’s all I got this time. Hope everyone is safe. Keep up the good fight. Anything you like? Hate? Would like to add? Leave a comment and I’ll see you when I see you.

                            @AztecSauce                                                 @H4mmerBros.


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