Next Mario Kart

What am I suppose to talk about if it’s not about Ghost Recon or Monster Hunter? Let’s speculate about the next Mario Kart then. Towards the beginning of the year there was a rumor saying that in holiday 2020 Nintendo would be releasing a big game that has “tires.” (Assuming that’s still the plan with the current world events going on.) That could be almost anything but given it’s a Nintendo game and assuming the emphasis is on tires it should be some sort of new kart game, be it Mario or All-Star/Smash.
            I’d like the next Mario Kart to be Double Dash 2. I was really disappointed with Mario Kart 8 when it first came out. The reason I was disappointed with Mario Kart is the same reason I was disappointed with Smash Bros. Wii U; they just weren’t that different from their predecessors for me to really care. Smash is a whole different topic but as far as Mario Kart goes they didn’t really add anything and in fact, took some things away. They added a function of driving on walls and making tracks go vertical in some places but it honestly didn’t add anything to the game. A new Double Dash makes sense for the Switch. You could have two teams of two playing on one Switch and have the screen only split once which would be great undocked. One person drives, the other in charge of items or you could do normal four player split screen and everyone be in charge of their own karts.
            In my opinion I’d like the game to stay more Mario then an All-Star game. In 8 Deluxe they had several other Nintendo characters in the game which was probably just a way to try and get people interested in some of their other games. I think I said it before but Brawl was really what got me into Nintendo and got me to check out games like Metroid and Zelda so it’s possible they hoped to get people into Splatoon or Animal Crossing if they weren’t already. I can’t decide if I’d like the character combinations to be locked or if it’d be cool to have any two characters work together. Mario and Luigi or Mario and Peach are obviously good, solid combos but Mario and Bowser could be funny after their bonding moment when Peach rejected both of them at the end of Odyssey. I’ll just list off some combinations with comments here and there.
-Mario/Luigi or Mario/Peach
-Captain Toad/Archivist Toadette (Much better than just a Toad and a Toadette.)
-DK/Diddy Kong or DK/Pauline (I think it would be really funny to have this pairing or Pauline with Cranky Kong.)
-Diddy Kong/Dixie Kong
-Bowser/Bowser Jr. or Bowser/Koopa Troppa
-Boom Boom/Pom Pom
-Rosalina/Luma or Rosalina/Lubba or Rosalina/The Chimp (The Chimp is always up for a race but I think Lubba would be a better pick.)
-Metal Mario/Pink Gold Peach
-Dry Bowser/Dry Bones (If they allowed characters to swap then I think a Dry Bowser skin would be fine but if they just had pairs of characters then this is an option.)
-Koopaling/Koopaling (Any of them could partner up with each other really.)
-Shyguy/Snifit or Shyguy/Shygal
-Shygal/Shygal (I know they won’t put them in but it’d be great if they did.)
-Bowsette/Bowsette Jr. or Bowsette/Mario (Another that won’t happen, the cowards.)
-Callie/Marie (If they were adding other non-Mario characters again.)
-Pearl/Marina (If they were adding other non-Mario characters again.)

            I think my favorite, realistic options I want to see are DK with Pauline and Rosalina with Lubba. They could also throw in some random characters in there. Nintendo has been adding goofy things to their games like Dr. Goomba Tower in Dr. Mario World and even adding a piranha plant into Smash and Mario Tennis Aces. Who knows what they could shoehorn in? I’d also really enjoy it if they didn’t put the baby characters in. Who honestly uses those, really? I’d also like it if they had the option to change the characters skins, similar to Smash, rather than make the same character take up three racer slots i.e. Peach, Cat Suit Peach and Pink Gold Peach. Pink Gold Peach I can see being her own entity though. I have this thought of her being super evil and similar to Agent Smith in the Matrix and she just goes around assimilating Toads and other denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom to be mind controlled, pink gold versions of themselves. But I’d like to change between fire flower, frost flower, and/or boomerang, what have you. I quite enjoy Peach and Rosalina’s fire flower forms.
            All in all I’m just really tired of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The base game was released six years ago on the Wii U and I’ve played it so much. I’m really ready for something new and I feel the next game just needs something different to really keep my interest. What are your thoughts? Any pairings you’d like to see? Do you have a different idea of what the next Mario Kart game could be? Or a different idea what the “major game with tires” could be referring to? Let me know down below and I’ll see ya when I see ya.

                     @AztecSauce                                                                      @H4mmerBros                                           


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