Ghost Recon Future Soldier

I was going to complain about Breakpoint again but as I wrote, it was apparent it was more of a list of why I like Future Soldier. In my last post on the topic I only touched on aspects I liked or disliked and didn’t really go any deeper so I’m hoping this will be better. Now that they’ve released “immersive mode” I’ll start off with; I hate the whole, make the game fun for you, mindset a lot of developers have. It’s like a jack of all trades, master of none sort of thing. They do a little bit of everything but nothing is done exceptionally well. The only exception to that rule, I find, is Dishonored and Splinter Cell Blacklist because I feel like those games were made with stealth in mind and the developers found a way to work in action gameplay for those that would want it. I prefer to play those games in a way so the NPCs don’t even know I was there. If I can get around everyone and no one is missing or out of place, there’s no reason to suspect I was there. But I do like that if...