
Pokemon Legends ZA Trailer and More Thoughts On Wilds

              Hello. I’m a little sick. I can’t quite focus on Wilds right at the moment so I thought I’d write something. The meat of this post will be about Wilds but I wanted to start with my thoughts on the Pokemon Legends ZA trailer.             The Legends ZA trailer didn’t make me excited. I usually buy and play Pokemon games regardless but I’ve been losing interest. I like to have as many of the legendary and mythic Pokemon as I can get but I didn’t even get the Scarlet and Violet DLC I’ve been so uninterested. The games just have been lacking something recently. I remember seeing art for X and Y, no, it was Sun and Moon wasn’t it? Yes, art for Sun and Moon, there is a picture of a Blastoise in a bucket like truck to be used as fire truck and that really excited me. I was hoping to see Pokemon be more of a part of society but they weren’t, and they STILL haven’t....

Arcade VS Cinematic

                 Hello. I was watching a little bit of a video review from some YouTuber and they were talking about what a “masterpiece” World was and that obviously triggered me, so here I am! Now I’m not gonna shit on World or Wilds but I think I’ve just figured out why I like the other games better and to be fair, I don’t think I’d classify any Monster Hunter as a “masterpiece.” There’s annoying things in all of them but if you prefer the W games, that's fine but if you think versions like Rise just flat out shouldn't exist, well then you're just wrong. Wilds is definitely doing a lot of things better than World.              The character creator still annoys me. They’re getting closer with Wilds but it still doesn’t go far enough. The smallest male characters are still bigger than the biggest female characters. I want to be able to make a femboy or a muscle mommy. I don’t un...

How Many Monsters From MH3U Are Really Missing?

              Hello. Monster Hunter Wilds is upon us soon, depending when I actually get this out, and I was thinking about my ceaseless screeching about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate monsters so I decided to take a little look at the last time some of these monsters were seen.             I’ll start with the latest games and work my way backwards. Also, like I said, I took a quick look online for these, I’m sure I missed some or some may be wrong but I’m not doing this for a job so who cares? Rise/Sunbreak. In Rise we had Barroth, Barioth and Diablos, all of which were also in World but we also got the Great Wroggi, Royal Ludroth, Arzuros, Volvidon and Lagombi. I like the Great Wroggi, I like it’s armor, I remember when we first were fighting the Aknosom the Great Wroggi was around and I immediately pivoted to fight that before the Aknosom to start getting it’s armor. ...

Nintendo Charm

  Hello, I thought I had made a post about this before but it doesn’t seem like it. It looks like I’ve mentioned things here and there but not all together so I’m going to try my best to coherently talk about the charm Nintendo’s games and consoles have had on me. It’s the little things that Nintendo did in their games and approaching gaming differently that got me into them. Their games have a sense of personality that most other games don’t even try to do. Okay, let’s start this mess.             When I was a wee lad I remember seeing the commercial for Smash Bros . Four characters frolicking in a field and then they start beating the crap out of each other. I knew the characters and thought it was a funny commercial but I didn’t have an N64 so I never played it. Brawl was the first game I got with my Wii and it was just such a goofy game. The items, the assist trophies, tripping for no reason, bouncing off of peoples head...

MH Wilds Beta And Expansion Speculation

  Hello. The game isn’t even out yet but I already want to speculate about the inevitable expansion for Monster Hunter Wilds. Oh… I might as well talk about some other things too I guess. First thing I’ll complain about is, a while ago now I guess, they revealed that Gravios was going to be back in Wilds and people were like “omg yes!” “It’s been SOOO long” “I’ve missed you buddy” and I’m just thinking “Like, fucking what?!” Who the hell fucking likes this guy? How does this monster have fans?? You like bouncing off a monster the entire fight?? Seriously, who are these people? It’s been so long since we’ve seen him? We had Basarios in Rise/Sunbreak, they’re literally the same thing! To this day I do not know what the difference is. You know who we haven’t seen in a long time? Anyhing from Monster Hunter 3! Where’s the Gobul?! Where’s the Qurupeco?! Where’s the mother fuckin’ Gigginox???!!! RREEEEEEE. I’m never fighting those things outside of getting a checkmark on my quest log. ...

Conquest Conquered

               Hello… I’m back… I finally did it… I finally beat another Fire Emblem… I stuck with Conquest and just got done with it though I did have to restart once. I ended up having to look online for a guide, especially for the beginning and look for some tips because I was technically playing it super wrong.             When I started my first run I was doing Normal/Casual I believe because I really hate going through a whole mission to lose someone right at the end and have to start the whole damn thing over. Overall I thought I was doing okay, everything was a little over my level but, *shrug* ehh? It was at Chapter 17 that I hit a wall, there were just SO many units here and it was not working out. I saw before entering the level I could change the difficulty and saw “ Phoenix ” mode and was like “What’s that?” If your unit is defeated they come back the very next turn, I don’t wan...

Future Helldivers 2 Crossovers

                 Hello! Surprise! Double whammy today buddy! AREN’T. YOU. LUCKY? Just a little more things about Helldivers 2. I didn’t want to tack this on to the Mario Kart post so here it is. Just some crossover ideas and potentially new Helldiver clones.             So @NEETproxy and I were randomly talking about the black hole and Earth Defense Force and if there’s a crossover they’d come from the black hole. Most people are expecting a fourth faction to fight against to come through the black hole but what if instead that’s where crossovers come from?! I feel like I saw someone say that the black hole either DOES connect to or COULD connect to another dimension but I can’t find it. We had a Killzone crossover, I assumed because both Killzone and Helldivers are currently PlayStation owned but they now say that Killzone is canonically part of the Helldiver Universe. To me it s...