Just Around the Corner

Hello. I’ve been in a mood lately. I’m technically on vacation as of writing but as is typical for me, I’ve also been sick. I feel much better right now but being home, sick and not to motivated to do anything makes me a little depressed. Could just be the state of mind I’m in right now but the reason for this rant/post is a discussion Rurikhan had with FightinCowboy about Armored Core 6. So in the video there were many things brought up that I have issues with or hmm, things that just bother me personally and it’s not the video or the people in the video that bother me, it’s just the things they talked about… That sounds confusing… Example: They were talking about different “builds” you can do in Armored Core, essentially. In most games that have stats and perks and what not you have different builds depending on the playstyle you’re going for,...