
Showing posts from April, 2022

Xbox 360

           Hello! It’s been a while. I’ve been testing the VTuber thing here and there and talking with artists about my avatar and then I start thinking about “why do I even want to do this? I just want to play video games. This is so much more of a hassle. Yatta yatta.” Every time I turn around there’s something else for me to do or figure out. It’s awfully intimidating when I just plan on streaming once, maybe twice, a week. So yeah, I haven’t had much time to sit and write and there hasn’t been much I wanted to talk about but talking with my friend about older video games today gave me inspiration. I’ve talked in numerous posts about certain games I’ve liked, certain systems I’ve liked and just thought I’d touch on a few of the games I haven’t spoken much of (to my recollection). So this is going to be primarily during the Xbox 360’s life span. I loved that thing. I’m willing to say it was the best system I’ve used and I’ve talked a little about how much I liked it before but I