Pokemon Generation Tier List

Hey all. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to think to do this but here it is. This is my relatively simple (simple, lol) listing of Pokemon generations from worst to best. You’ve seen other people’s videos on the topic, you’ve played the games, I’m not going to breakdown the premise and plot of all of them. I’m just going to say what I feel about the game and why it made me feel so. I already know that the ones I like the least are some people’s favorites for some reason so harden up. Let’s go! Worst to best! Boom! GEN V My least favorite in the core franchise is Black/White, Black 2/White 2. I could’ve SWORN that HeartGold and SoulSilver came out in the middle of these two but the internet says no so I’m not sure if that hurts or helps BW at all but either way it would’ve been on the bottom. First off it just looks so bad to me. Like I don’t typically rag on games for not looking good as long as they’re fun but after Diamond/Pearl and HeartGold/SoulSilver, which all lo...